Accounting for Entertainers and Athletes
Performing in a sports or entertainment role can be incredibly fun and fulfilling. Though with the positives, you may have to deal with extended training hours, long travel times, equipment preparation and the physical exertion that comes with certain roles; all this taking up a large amount of your time.
The last things you may want to be worrying about are your tax forms and submission of said tax forms. A professional accountant can assist you in this process, using their years of industry knowledge to handle the nitty gritty of taxation and reduce the stress from you.
Years of Industry Knowledge, Directed to Help You
Hume Tax have been providing professional accountancy services to people in the entertainment and sports industry for years in the CBD area. Using our experience and expertise, we assist a broad range of clients with their taxation and accounting needs, whether an individual, organisation, or small to large business.
Over the years, we have seen many cases where it has been possible to legally reduce tax payable. While this varies from client to client and their individual case and may vary for yours, we have helped clients in making note of their appropriate expenses, reducing the amount of tax they have to pay in some cases.
Continual Support
We’re not any run of the mill accountant. We love to provide continual support to all of our clients, with our team happy to field any questions you may have about the taxation process, accounting, your requirements and goals or our services.
With a team of professional accountants at your back, you can rest easy and devote more time to your athletic or entertainment goals. Contact us today to book an appointment and see how we can help you.